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For authors

    §The program of the conferenc will be placed on the page, please check your name and surname in the program 

    §  If your paper is rejected by the organizing committee, you will receive a notification by September 21

    § You can make a report both online and face-to-face

    §  After the presentation, you will receive a certificate and conference materials

    § The organizing committee will publish in advance all the reports presented at the conference, which will pass the examination

    §  Reports selected on the recommendation of the organizing committee of the conference will be printed in the magazine of the Technical University of Georgia, with ISBN and DOI

    Participant activity:

        Send the  paper to conference@gtu.ge by October 18, 2022 (word/doc)
        If your  paper is rejected by the organizing committee, you will be notified by October 27
        You can report both online and face-to-face
        After the presentation, you will receive a certificate

    Materials of the conference:

        The organizing committee will publish in advance all the reports presented at the conference that will pass the examination;
        Based on the recommendation of the conference organizing committee, selected reports, theses, and full-text publications will be printed in the Journal of the Technical University of Georgia, ISBN

        For the report at the plenary session - 20 minutes
        For speaking at sectional sessions - 15 minutes
        Discussion - 7 min

    The rule of design of the work Structure of the report (article) to be presented at the conference:
        Article (4 - 8 pages), e-mail Version (Word, number of authors with max. 3 authors
        Title (Arial =14/B)
        Authors (name, surname), affiliation (name of the university) (Arial =11) authors' e-mail. mailing addresses;
        Summary in the language of the article (for the paper written in Georgian, the summary must also be submitted in English)

    Structure of  paper

    Title of Article

    Author Name Vorname, Affiliation, mail address 

    Abstract (300 words)
    Main part, research methods and methodology 
    Literature (in English, referring to the language of the original: in_Geo)

    Technical requirements:
    MS Word  A4-format.
     areas 2.2 cm.,
     title: Arial 14 B
     basic text Arial =11,
     line spacing = 1.15,
     Graphic material JPG, GIF or BMP files.
     Sending the article by e-mail: conference@gtu.ge
     Certificates are issued to all authors in digital / hard copy format
     Conference website : https://conference2023.ims.gtu.ge/
     Contact: conference@gtu.ge

    The conference is organized by the Faculty of Informatics and Management Systems of the Technical University of Georgia www.gtu.edu.ge

    The conference will be held in a hybrid mode - in person and remotely
    Online participation will be provided (via the Zoom platform)
    Working languages ​​of the conference: Georgian, English